Stephanie Venier – is 19 years old, a pretty Tyrolean alpine ski racer from Oberperfuss nearby Innsbruck and she made the Saison 2012/13 to her success year.
After several top 10 results in the Europe Cup in Super G and Downhill, Stephanie won the gold medal in Super G and the silver medal in Downhill during the junior world champion ship in Quebec / Canada and crowned thus her previous career.
Last not least, Stephanie won also the last Super – G of the season during the Austrian championship and was thus able to catch this precious title AUSTRIAN CHAMPION in an impressive manner. By the way, in this race, Stephanie beat some racers with big names, amongst others the former world Campion Lizz Görgl. So this season was without any doubts a huge one and a big step forward in direction of the world elite.